Easy Spinach  Salad and Dressing

Simply the best Easy Spinach Salad recipe with eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, sesame seeds, and a healthy salad dressing. Quick to prepare, customizable, and is the perfect side salad to any meal!

Salad: Baby spinach Hard boiled eggs Grape tomatoes English cucumber Mushrooms Sesame seeds Dressing: Olive oil Apple cider vinegar Dijon mustard Soy sauce

Ingredients You Need

Slice hard boiled eggs, mushrooms, tomatoes and cucumbers.


Fill large salad bowl with spinach, then add eggs, mushrooms, cucumbers and tomatoes. Sprinkle with sesame seeds last.


In a small jar with a tight fitting lid, combine dressing ingredients. Shake until well mixed. Then pour dressing over salad, use as much or as little as you like.


Toss salad gently. I like to start with a small amount of dressing and then add more as needed while tossing.


This salad is best fresh right after you toss the spinach with the dressing.


Refrigerate salad ingredients separately from the dressing covered with plastic for up to 2 days. Dressing in a jar can be refrigerated for up to 2 weeks

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