An email in response to my yesterday’s emotions I received this morning. I cried again. That 1 person exists!
Oh! Sweet Olena! As one who grew up surrounded by a huge family yet feeling removed and alone, even in crowded situations, I was labeled a “loner”. Couldn’t have been farther from the truth but it carried the truth, I longed to be part of groups, in school, as a young mom, as an older mom too! There had to be something about my introverted and extreme shyness that made people never approach. Pretty sure that I avoided eye contact. So my husband became my best and only friend! That was the good from that! We have had 45 happy years!
Your website has helped me immensely to stop looking for the next magic to recover my health! I have tried every drastic method prescribed by doctors and surgeons beginning when I turned 50 and you know the story. No need to rehash it!ย In two yearsย of eating really well I have not felt so healthy and energetic in years!
Some people (people like you out there trying to help others) say “If I help and inspire just one person, then all of my work and effort is worth it.” Well Olena, let me be the first to step up! I have some lasting damage, but learning from you, the first steps in the beginning of my self healing after trying just about every “miracle” potion out there, including surgical, prescriptions, over the counter/purchased over the internet dubious “cures, all things that led me deeper into deteriorating health.
It was my lucky day when I stumbled on your blog in its early inception! Slowly over time I changed everything! And because I spent more than 30 years wrecking my body, because of lack of confidence and a hurtful history, healing didn’t happen overnight. But slowly, over time, change has happened! Thanks to you! I had no starting place in mind when I found your blog. I was out for my next miracle, because I was so sick and doctors had given up! I weighed 87 pounds. Now my weight is great for me! My chronic stomach ulcers? Gone! Digestive is better, and I’m beginning to absorb nutrients from foods rather than have them go right through. Migrains have gone from 15 or more a month to about 5, and I am positive that is because I have eliminated preservatives and artificial ingredients. Those remaining, possibly soy and dairy; I am still working on things.
YOU ROCK! You have been my hero for quite some time now! I was pretty much on the couch, and now I hardly sit down. My husband and I are having so much fun again.
As for your children? It is true, you have no control over the choices they make. It is a very difficult part that we parents face in growing up, as our growing up never ends either! Letting go, especially if you see they are making a mistake, is one of the most painful challenges! Yes, as parents we reserve the right to voice our opinions. As our adult children, they rarely listen, same as we wouldn’t have! I have seen parents and children make the mistake of never speaking again!
Anyway, of course I share with them what I have learned. And I talk often about anyone who will listen about your AMAZING life journey and how well you are doing just getting through the complicated systems of North America. After living in such a poor country with no decisions to be by you! I LOVE your authenticity and it was so interesting for me to read the words about you and Alex being introverted because you portray such a strong voice on your blog! Where you muster up all that confidence noise? I can’t find a voice in me like that anywhere.
I don’t know, but Olena, you have changed my life with your information. Your passion has kept me going on the days before the changes for the better started coming!ย Your honesty as mom validated for me that it was when I was young mom and thought it was drag sometimes. I never said it, because all of the school moms would called child protection services or thought I was beating them for making them do a chore! I loved just as passionately as I felt when I screamed ifย I stepped on one more Lego! But some day had a fairy shit mixed in the dust and sprinkles!
I am sorry this is so long! You are SO SPECIAL! And we ALL worry about the things we have no control over that affect our lives. There is nothing more frightening than that! I think it is why I love my towels stacked perfectly, and my closets all free of dust bunnies and my refrigerator to sparkle. Because it’s the small bits in my world that I can do something about! And I can feel, and nourish my body, and recycle, and do part. I try not to worry about the bigger picture and focus on now, but it is hard! I have grandchildren and it is real that I wonder what they will be facing too. What sort of water will they have? And food? Look at the GMO! All of the push and they found that those seeds/crops really didn’t produce larger yields in the end anyway. Yes people, we don’t need to mess with Mother Nature! She does fine all by herself!
You take care of you and your family. Life is soooo full of emotional ups and downs, and there is no end to them, that I know of yet, anyway, lol! I think if that day comes, it means I have stopped learning, and when THAT day comes, it means I have died! And I choose life now that you’ve got me feeling wonderful! Thank you so much, my friend!
It certainly does!!!
This is amazing. <3
Thank you! Makes everything we do meaningful!