Be Well in 2016

Tonight I’m picking up my mom and her husband from the airport and I will be disappearing from the web until January 1st. Being self-employed for the past 7 years I have finally mastered an art of shutting down. It came with life experience realizing our parents are not forever, kids grow up way too fast and every day is worth being memorable.

On Christmas Eve we will be having a family seafood dinner (I can’t wait to cook for my mom because she is not as inspired in kitchen as me). Christmas Day should be fantastic because my kids are at that prime Santa Claus age (even the 9 year old is still so naive…I have to force keep Alex’s mouth shut daily), we might have White Christmas (pretty please, weather Gods) and I haven’t spent Christmas with my mom for 12 years…We are planning to hit local slopes a few times and of course Christmas break is never without a hockey tournament, of course. New Year’s with friends, family and a hot tub.

So, I do not expect these next 10 days to be relaxing but rather filled with joy and some craziness for sure when 3 generations get together for an extended period of time. I’m stocked on wine, books and thank goodness on a spacious house. I also stocked up on some frozen organic burritos, ravioli and edamame when it gets really crazy (and it will!).

We wish you warm and memorable times these Holidays. Please take time to slow down and enjoy your loved ones. And let’s be grateful for peace, health, food and shelter we have. And pray for those who don’t to get it soon. We are not religious but we do wish well upon everyone with thoughts and positive thinking.

As for goals, I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions but rather strive to be better every day. I, personally, try to keep my mind open that everyone is different and be more forgiving. Like forgiving my dear husband for taking out my hat and gloves from the bag I packed the night before going to the mountain. He thought it will be warm and I might not need them but he packed his. So, he had to share and I had to walk away from him for about an hour (pictured above was taken later, of course). Yeah, that is what I mean when I say it will get crazy. But if you are married, I’m sure you have your own version of “Alex”, right?!:)

Happy Holidays and talk to you on January 1st, 2016!

Be Well in 2016

About Olena

Welcome! I grew up in Ukraine watching my grandma cook with simple ingredients. I have spent the last 14 years making it my mission to help you cook quick and easy meals for your family!

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  1. My Version of Alex is similar to yours and always thinking of me too! (Yeah, thanks but no thanks!) we love them for lots of other reason which outnumber those, right?

    Enjoy your vacation and family. It is what we are doing too. It is the craziness that is what makes the best memories for our children and grandchildren. They remember things like the 95 pound boxer dog dragging their whole turkey around the corner as if it were cooked specially for him and laugh, ( eventually, years later) causing you to have guess what parts weren’t touched and ignore that it was also on the floor! The craziness is the best history later in life and those stories get retold year after year.

    We are always so thankful for our blessings and that is easy to remember by just turning on the TV or drive through the city. Just a smile in line to an elderly person at the store can change their day.

    This is a time to remember our blessings, yes! But wouldn’t it be great if we could feel this way every moment of our normal busy lives and not just during the holidays?

    Happy Holidays!

    1. Isn’t it true?! Craziness and chaos makes the best memories and I think I will miss it like crazy when kids grow up. Happy Holidays, dear Kit! xoxo

  2. I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas (but just wanted to let you know that Jesus is the real reason for this season), and by knowing Him as your personal Savior makes your life more meaningful and blessed! Have a blessed New Year!!!??

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