First Days in Mexico

Hola from beautiful sunny Los Cabos, Mexico! It is +29C and never ending sunny forecast with a refreshing breeze (no need for AC – yay), and at home, in Vancouver, it is snowing. We made it here safe and sound, and are slowly adjusting to a new pace of life, which is completely weird compared to craziness at home, and I’m just popping in for an update.

If you don’t know, we went to live in Mexico for a month. Life is short, make every day count.

First Days in Mexico

First Days in Mexico

After yesterday’s must drive in Mexico (with imaginary stop signs and lane dividers) run to a farmer’s market and Costco (I will share all my finds later), today was a first normal vacation morning. I found organic milk and even Nature’s Path cereal at Costco. Breakfast view has never been that good for this kid or even us, grown ups.

First Days in Mexico

Me and Alex had Coach’s oats (now I understand what one of my reader’s meant once asking if she can use them in a recipe – they are delicious!) with Greek yogurt (0% fat from Costco but it is what it is); guava, mandarins and watermelon from a farmer’s market. And coffee, I had my first coffee in a week because staying up past 7PM is a real struggle. I remember The Good Wife in patches. All the fresh air always knocks me out too early (like earlier than my 8PM bedtime at home) in tropics.

First Days in Mexico

I really needed to save this kid’s menu for the day because Kindergartener’s way of spelling words the way he hears them is precious. “Pasta, chicken, orange juice, water, pita chips, raviolis, chicken legs and pizza”. I would never come up with this way of spelling in a million years LOL.

First Days in Mexico

Mexican watermelons have seeds…

First Days in Mexico

A 10 year old can’t get enough of my DSLR, the fact that makes me jump at any drop, but I learnt to let it go. He loves taking pictures of birds and we have no shortage of them.

First Days in MexicoFirst Days in Mexico

I can’t get enough of this amazing “normal” food. It just tastes real. And my kitchen, with sliders opening all the way to the never ending ocean view. You know how many whales and dolphins I have seen so far?!

First Days in Mexico

I’m slowly getting a hang of our new routine and starting to lose anxiety. A glass of rose is part of my afternoon routine because I decided I deserve it. I already have a list of recipes I can make in the next few weeks (considering I got the ingredients in Spanish right). It is a bit overwhelming in the beginning to get used to a new house, new country and new foods, but I’m almost there.

Time to go to the beach and continue “the hard life”. Honestly, it is very hard to lift my butt off the chair because I have this view right at home, sitting on a chair, why do I need to move LOL?!. Tomorrow morning I’m going for a run, Alex already explored “the terrain” and said I’m safe from snakes and cartel LOL. Until the next time.:)

Next => Sunsets in Los Cabos.

About Olena

Welcome! I grew up in Ukraine watching my grandma cook with simple ingredients. I have spent the last 14 years making it my mission to help you cook quick and easy meals for your family!

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  1. Haha! I totally understand your appreciation for roots in a solid, stable country of freedom with plenty. Like you, I learned the hard way that I wanted a loving, closely knit family and we worked hard to do things differently in raising our kids than we knew growing up! You are right about spending some of the cold months somewhere warm. I’m sure we would have visitors if it were tropical anyway, LOL!

  2. I am so, so happy for you and the whole family to have this special quiet down time together! And I am a little jealous of the warmth of the sun on your skin, the view the … well, not the kids! But I was happy when mine were that age!

    Anyway, explore, enjoy! I know you will! I’m wondering how long before you and Alex move to Mexico!

    1. Btw….if our children and 4 beautiful, talented grandchildren didn’t all live within 5 miles of us, we would be headed for much warmer climates without snow! I really wish we had when they were young and then could have married settled nearby. Three of our children very family oriented and would be devistated if we moved far, which we’d have to do to be warm and not shoveling snow! So doing it when they were young, without spouses or children, would have been smart. But, youth doesn’t mind the cold! At 45 I would play in the snow all by myself! Lol, like a fool! Now, now, I abhor the cold and leave the house only when I absolutely have to. Sometimes not for 10 days!

      1. Oh Laurel, grass is always greener on the other side. Everything happens for a reason. I do not think I would love to live in Florida full-time, too hot. Ideally for you would be nice to go away for a few months in winter, I think that would do. When our boys are done with school, we plan on going to tropics for all of winter.
        It is very very good that you are so close with all your kids!!! It is amazing actually, a gift!!! I never had a home I could go to any time where mom, dad and siblings would be nice to me, we would have a meal, talk and relax. For a child, it is very very important to have that, so you are an amazing mom! Just need to go to the tropics in winter.:)

    2. Thank you very much, Laurel! It is a much needed vacation because we haven’t had one in 2 years. We had small weekend getaways here and there but it’s not enough.
      I do quite enjoy my kids’ ages on this vacation. They have been really good so far, even on the plane!!! Big difference even 2 years ago!
      We will not move to Mexico LOL. We talked about it a lot but coming from a 3rd world country, we decided we worked too hard to get into Canada and have no desire going back to living in undeveloped country. Long term travel or buying a vacation property – definitely will happen sooner or later, but we are NOT moving to Philippines or Mexico. I love Canada!

    1. Thank you, Nature’s Path! No clue what your cereal boxes in Spanish say but hey, who cares?! I know what I am looking for.

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