Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

Last time me and Alex went on vacation by ourselves was Las Vegas in 2009 (being non-gamblers and haters of crowds that was probably the last time). When my mom offered to watch our kids this month we knew we had to just run with this opportunity of a decade (if not of a lifetime). Because when next or who else will watch the kids?!

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

At first, we were planning to do a California road trip with the kids but then hockey tryouts got in a way. Thank goodness because that would be so much work I didn’t need. Then I suggested New York which Alex quickly dismissed. He said all he wanted was the beach, food and gym. You don’t have to beg me long to agree for that except the gym. I hate gyms!

You should have seen me fuming while adjusting the bike machine one morning which I would have ridden indoors, staring at the beach through the glass and rubbing elbows with another girl. I left the gym so pissed I went for a hot run watching the waves crashing while music filling my ears. Much better than a stupid gym!

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

Anyways. We jumped on Expedia and it took us 15 minutes to book Royal Decameron Los Cabos. All inclusive resort because at this point of our lives we consider it being the only real vacation. Camping, crazy expensive North American resorts and Europe trips are all work and money stress. I honestly have never booked anything so fast in my life. That is how fast the pace of life with two boys is.

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

Royal Decameron turned out lovely! Beyond lovely, my friends! Those who says it is just OK resort needs a reality check or stop being snobby! It is not a 5 star resort but we had 0 complaints. I mean shaky toilet – yes, but that is Mexico! A reality check, like I said. We did just fine with this minor thing.

Royal Decameron is a little resort located in San Jose del Cabo which is about 30 minutes before main town Cabo San Lucas located in Baja California. We did plan to take a day and go explore Cabo but as soon as I saw the beach I was like “No!”. A day in a heat exploring what? Stores?! Thank you very much but NO! It is all the same everywhere, including the beach.

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

As soon as we boarded the plane I knew it would be the quietest vacation ever. It was us, a few couples with kids that I wanted to adore from far, far away and about 50 seniors. Great! Amazeballs great! Call me boring but I’ve got enough entertainment at home.

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

The resort was half empty with no lineups for chairs, half empty pools and amazing staff. We learnt only a few days before leaving the ocean is not swimmable because of the undercurrents (talk about 15 minute of booking time haha). 5 years ago I would have cared but now I was like just get me away from reality of cooking, driving and caring about someone else besides me.

In Mexico only thing I was worried about Alex not swimming in the ocean because we still have 2 kids to raise. Other than that I so so chilled and checked out from reality.

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

We decided to book an ocean view room to go all the way and took a plunge with the weather as it is apparently a rainy season in Mexico. Ha! If a rainy season was the same in Vancouver I wouldn’t have minded it at all and my house would have cost $2 million. I swear. Just go to Mexico in September for a dirt cheap and you will have an amazing time!

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

Funny enough I found the waves the most relaxing part of an entire vacation. I would watch them for hours with a glass of wine sitting on a sand. By myself. A form of mediation. We would walk the beach twice a day watching the surfers, locals dipping after a long workday and pelicans fishing.

I went for a run a few times which was hot. But overall walking in a deep sand barefeet is quite a workout on its own. So, our glutes and hemstrings were on fire every day and believe it or not we even lost weight and trimmed a bit. The same thing happened to me when I went to Los Cabos last time by myself.

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

The waves…With the sun rising they are pink. Midday they are emerald blue. As the day winds down the mist is best visible. They roll. They run. They meet each other and explode. They splash like in a bowl. They swallow the seagulls. They raise the sand from the very bottom of Pacific Ocean’s heart. It is like watching the most beautiful sea monster. Waves stole my heart!!! I have seen waves in Tofino, Long Beach, Manhattan Beach and Oregon. Waves of Los Cabos officially have my heart!

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

I fell in love with running rolling waves misting the beach for a mile ahead. I would even consider surfing with a life jacket, tied to the shore and a helmet. Kidding. I would surf!

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

The ultimate goal for this vacation was to do nothing! Nothing, my friends, nothing! No excursions or goals have been planned. Every vacation we have been on with the kids is planned and under pressure. This one I just wanted to unplug. I was in bed by 9pm falling asleep with a book. I had 0 interest for a social life lol. I wanted to owe nobody anything. Not a piece of my brain. For a week. And I did it!

I skipped social media and blogging overall. Except only now while writing this post on a beach on my phone while memories and feelings still fresh and raw. Before I dive back into real life with no time for anything. And trust me we dove right in the minute we landed dividing the kids and running to hockey games, parent meetings, equipment fittings and birthday parties. You understand why I was sipping wine watching the waves?!

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

The whole beach lifestyle honestly had me and Alex consumed with thoughts. We always do that every vacation. But before it was more of a dream where as now it is starting to look more like a reality. Brains were spinning doing our finances, kids schedules and Alex’s work opportunities.

How can we spend more time living this dream?! When the day begins with a walk on a beach watching the sun rise, followed by a yoga truly connecting with the spirit, filled with papaya meals, soaking in a pool for hours and ending with a glass of wine watching the waves. How???!!! Hard work and dedication and we will get there one day.

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

Food. Hot topic of food. The buffet. Well, actually food was the best part of this vacation – lots of food, healthy food, no serving, no cleaning up. OMG, take me back!!! I’m sick of serving food at home lol. Like I said, me and Alex trimmed during the week in an all inclusive resort. I did write a post on how to survive all inclusive resort 5 years ago. So much fun to read what I wrote and thought of food back then!

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los CabosAdult Vacation in Los Cabos

Today I am much more relaxed about what I eat. You probably noticed that. Honestly, we ate what we wanted meaning we didn’t want burgers, fries or ice cream. But I definitely satisfied my cravings for a few desserts, a glass of cold white wine or beer on a beach midday, a few glasses of red at night and some baked goods for breakfast.

Besides that we ate so much fruit, veggies, seafood, poultry and drank so many green juices and water, we were best friends with all the bathrooms. But honestly this was the best vacation with not drinking or eating too much and feeling amazing! Balance, real food and regular exercise really are working for us anywhere. I think I lost a fear of ever becoming overweight…

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

So, that is it. Another vacation is poof, gone. I just finished editing the photos on the plane ride back feeling happy and sad. I want to go home and I don’t. Because I do want to see the kids but what idiot wants to get back to chores?! I can’t say I missed kids like crazy LOL. I could do another week. Mom of the year, I know!

After everybody gets a piece of me at home and I will be able to come back to you. I love this blog of mine. Thank you so much for reading!!! Keeps me sane in my vicious cycle of insanity “living a dream”. Actually, North American middle class lifestyle is a dream for many other nations. Whenever you have doubts visit Mexico or Ukraine for a change, and don’t forget to step outside the luxurious resort or hotel.

So cheers to happy craziness all over again!

Adult Vacation in Los Cabos

About Olena

Welcome! I grew up in Ukraine watching my grandma cook with simple ingredients. I have spent the last 14 years making it my mission to help you cook quick and easy meals for your family!

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  1. Hi Olena!
    I’m really enjoying your blog, I wanna try all your recipes!
    You really motivate me to start making changes in my diet/lifestyle although I’m not quite sure how to start. Any advice? Also a more personal question, do you make an income out of blogging?

    1. Hi Lia. I realized many people do not know where to start. I will start publishing series of posts on how to start clean eating starting Jan 1st. So, come back. For now, all I can tell you is to clean out your fridge and pantry, find a few recipes on my blog that are simple enough to make, go buy ingredients, cook and get confidence. Then do not buy processed food again and keep cooking. There is really no other magic.
      Yes, iFoodReal is my full-time job and income.:) All the best. You can do it! Let me know if you need any help.

  2. Beautiful pics! Blue water is mesmerizing. Your relaxation and peace is
    emanating from them. Glad you enjoyed.

    I don’t have children, but am astounded with how much my friends who do have them, have to get done in a day…

    1. Thanks, Nina. I wanna go back so bad. I can’t stop drinking wine lol. I love my kids to death but that short moment without kids when all the time and money is all yours was…ugh. So good! But I love my boys! I want it all haha.
      I need to work out and start cooking asap to get back to a workhorse’s life haha.

  3. Beautiful post! Love all the pictures. I love beach type of vacations as well. It is truly a perfect place to relax, unwind, and just do nothing! XOXO.

    1. Hi Vera. I want to move there forever. There are no bad days in Mexico. Sigh. What are we doing here running the race?! I keep thinking more and more often what are all these goals we have for?!

  4. Yeah for vacations without kids!! My husband and I went to Maui last September for the first time in 12 years without the kids and it was amazing. We didn’t mind the lack of activities planned. Peace and quiet and quality alone time for the win. ?
    You look fantastic by the way and your vacation looks beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Olya. How did you like Hawaii without all-inclusive? The only thing that is stopping us. Did you eat out all the time or cooked?
      Ah, vacation without kids is amazing. I am having a very hard time coming back to reality. Like very hard time haha. Back from vacation and my mom just left. Life sucks.
      Thanks so much for your kind words.:) xoxo

      1. It was still really fun without the all-inclusive. We only stayed a week and I feel like if you want to do lots of activities in Hawaii you really need a good solid two weeks. We only ate out for dinner and cooked breakfast and lunch. We got a condo because of the kitchen and a view of the ocean. 😉 We stocked up at Costco. It worked well. If you every do go visit Maui, the restaurant “Coconuts” is a great place for clean yummy food. The beaches and driving around the island kept us plenty busy.

        1. That sounds lovely!!! Idk what happened to us. I blame it on kids’ hockey. A few years ago we would love to do what you did in Hawaii. Now I don’t wanna even get up from a lounger for a week on a beach… I just don’t wanna be busy… However, we are talking about renting a beachfront condo for a month in Los Cabos and try this lifestyle…. I will keep you updated.:)

  5. My husband and I stayed at the Royal Decameron this time last year! We came across if on Groupon and we absolutely loved it as well! Perfect little getaway! Oh, and I love your blog! You are hilarious! 🙂

    1. Hi Kelsey. I did her someone else saying in the pool that others booked this vacation on Groupon too. It was perfect! So perfect I still can’t recover and it is day 4. Too depressing to be back LOL. Thanks so much.

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