Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

We haven’t chatted in a while. Nothing has really been happening exciting in my life during winter. Meh, just the usual. So, I didn’t write much. Just cooked. Are you enjoying the latest recipes and new website?

But now that summer is here (super hot in Vancouver), life is beautiful erupting volcano again.

First of all…

PNW Views

I have been trying to get out as soon as it stops raining. Working from home’s biggest downside is confinement and lack of social interaction. Bike ride, walk on the dykes, walk in the neighbourhood – I’m smiling to my ears. Therefore, I have been able to catch some amazing sunsets and mountain peaks.

Not sure how people live outside the West Coast zone…JK.

Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

Pitt Meadows, BC

Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

Maple Ridge, BC

Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

White Rock, BC

Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

Nanaimo, BC

Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

Parksville, BC

We Are Thinking of Moving

Alex is trying to talk me into moving and I know we kind of have to for various reasons like my office is in the basement without windows, our tight suburban community is too loud, and would be nice to have a studio. And I get it but I feel completely unmotivated, for many reasons.

I don’t see anything I like, even for much higher price. I don’t want a change. I got this thing called “life experience” now and anything new gives me minor anxiety I have zero desire to deal with. All I want is a 10 day all inclusive vacation, maybe even by myself.

Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

But he found me this property that I loved from the moment I stepped on its backyard. How can you not?!

Of course, it has a price tag attached because it is backing onto Pacific Ocean. So, I don’t know…I am worried about having a dog that’s a collateral for this house, kids adjusting to new school and sports, what university they will go to and whether they will move away from home because this beauty is on Vancouver Island… Yes, minor detail – we have to move from main land, yes. I have that worry too.

On another hand I might have super huge regrets 10 years down the road. Because my kids could grow up there, pictured above, and we could have had this amazing lifestyle. And maybe I should worry less my “life experience” tells me as you can’t plan your whole life.

I know it is 1st world problem, so I’m taking 1 day at a time right now.

Victoria, BC

We spent 5 days on Vancouver Island. Part of it was for Kyle’s hockey tournament (hopefully last one cause we are exhausted), part of it to explore the island to see if we want to make a move. We literally drove from the north of Campbell River to the south point, Sooke, to see all towns and if we like any. In the midst of it all, we managed to show kids the capital of British Columbia – Victoria.

Super pretty and highly recommend for a quick getaway.Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible MoveVancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

Time FliesVancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

Boys are growing so fast now… I feel like I don’t have small kids anymore, I can leave my house any time and Kyle’s voice has changed so much. Boys are very good friends and I so hope they will carry their love for each other through life.

Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

We celebrated Mother’s Day mini golfing, on a beach, watching a hockey game and coming home from the island.

Vancouver Island, Sunsets and a Possible Move

Mother’s Day like a true hockey mom. One tired happy mom. It’s so much work to be a mom.

Hope you had a good one too!

About Olena

Welcome! I grew up in Ukraine watching my grandma cook with simple ingredients. I have spent the last 14 years making it my mission to help you cook quick and easy meals for your family!

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  1. Oh you should move to Vancouver Island–you won’t regret it. The quality of life here is much better than it is on the mainland. And if you’re a real foodie–this is THE place to be. There is so much going on food wise–so many artisanal food producers–c’mon over!

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