Nutritious Almond Joy Protein Balls are naturally sweetened and combine delicious flavors of coconut, almond, and chocolate in bite-sized healthy snacks. Energy bites are perfect on the go or pop them in your mouth when the candy bar cravings hit!

Love high protein snacks? You’ll also love these homemade protein bars, peanut butter protein balls, and protein pancakes!

almond joy protein balls with two split open to show chocolate inside and all topped with coconut flakes.

Almond Joy Energy Bites

Sink your teeth into one of these no bake healthy truffles and you’re in heaven!

The combination of chocolate, coconut, and almond is why I love an Almond Joy bar and why I wanted to make a protein ball recipe with the same flavors.

Healthy chocolate coconut balls and no bake protein balls check some boxes too and are equally as addicting energy bites!

I’m not going to lie and pretend that healthy Almond Joy energy balls taste exactly like a candy bar. I didn’t melt a pound of chocolate over coconut flakes, but they’re as close as you can get!

Almond Joy Protein Balls with coconut, front protein ball sliced open to show chocolate inside.

They’re sweetened naturally without any dried fruit which makes these bite-sized treats soft, moist, and melt-in-your-mouth. Not dense like most other protein balls!

These easy low carb Almond Joy protein balls are a pop in your mouth snack perfect for balancing those afternoon blood sugars or to enjoy as a dessert after dinner.

You could even include them as part of your healthy cookies for Christmas!


With clean, paleo friendly, naturally gluten free ingredients it’s hard not to reach for one of these bites every time you pass them; with less sugar and more protein these are practically guilt free!

  • Almonds: Adds the nutty, crunchy element so use whole unblanched almonds.
  • Protein powder: Use a plant based protein powder. Whey powder absorbs liquid differently so the texture would be different. I like to use Sunwarrior, although I use Orgain in no bake protein cookies.
  • Cacao powder: Very similar to cocoa powder, but less processed. It contains more nutritional benefits, like antioxidants. They can be used interchangeably in this recipe.
  • Stevia extract: Sweetener made from the stevia plant and has no calories. You could also replace it with monk fruit extract if you have some.
  • Salt: Adding a bit of salt will enhance all of the other surrounding flavors and balance the sweetness.
  • Coconut oil, melted: A good fat that will add moisture and help keep the balls intact once solidified.
  • Honey or maple syrup: Either one will add a yummy taste and natural sweetness. Needed to counteract the bitter cacao!
  • Coconut milk in a can: Light coconut milk, but not from a carton please!
  • Vanilla extract: A delicious aromatic flavor enhancer that pairs well with chocolate, almonds, and coconut!
  • Unsweetened coconut flakes: You’ll need some for inside the bites as well as to coat them. Maybe try toasting them first for a little extra something!

How to Make Almond Joy Protein Balls

In only 30 minutes or less, you can enjoy a warm almond joy energy bite! It’s the perfect chocolate treat after lunch or enjoy them cold when an afternoon energy slump hits.

  • To the food processor, toss in the almonds, protein powder, cacao powder, stevia extract, and salt. Pulse until a fine powder forms. Leave it there for a second.
  • In a small bowl, stir coconut oil, honey, coconut milk, and vanilla. Add it to the powder mixture in the food processor and pulse again until a smooth dough forms. This will take a few minutes.
  • Once you’ve got what looks like decent-looking cookie dough, add 1/2 cup of coconut flakes and process for 1-2 minutes.
  • Sprinkle remaining coconut flakes on a shallow dish. Scoop a golf ball-sized amount of the dough and roll it with your hand into a proper ball. Coat it in flakes and repeat until you’re out of dough.

Serve these as breakfast alongside some fresh fruit and wash it down with this almond smoothie! A pre or post-workout snack, an after school treat, or a quick and easy dessert.

Tips for Making Energy Bites

  • Use a powerful food processor for making this simple protein balls recipe. Not a blender, not even a Vitamix or Magic Bullet. There is not enough liquid to move the dough around in a blender.
  • Stop and scrape the walls of your food processor to make sure everything is incorporated and you don’t have weird chunks of unblended things in there!
  • Use as pure and clean ingredients as possible! Something like organic vegan protein powder, organic unsulphured coconut flakes, and organic coconut milk. Do your best and what you can. Every little step counts!


  • Walnuts, peanuts, cashews, or pistachios
  • Flaxseed
  • Chia seeds or hemp hearts
  • Oats
  • Chocolate chips
  • Creamy nut butter
  • Seed butter

How to Store

These will be good for 2 weeks in the fridge or frozen for 3 months.

I do love them warm and fresh best, so when I take them out of the fridge I like to pop them in the microwave for a few seconds.


What to do if the mixture seems dry?

Add just a slight bit of water at a time until your mixture is wet enough to stay compact. You could also add a bit of maple syrup or honey to bind it if you’re ok with a sweeter-tasting ball.

Can I use non plant based protein powder?

I wouldn’t. Whey powders tend to absorb liquid differently so you may end up with a different texture. If you’re ok with it, and whey protein is all you have, then go for it. Either that or completely substitute it for a nut butter instead.

Can I use other dairy free milk?

I haven’t tried this before, but I don’t see why not. Try oat milk, cashew milk, or even almond milk!

Are almond joy energy bites healthy?

Loaded with protein, healthy fats, antioxidants, and plenty of vitamins and minerals these gluten free, dairy free and naturally sweetened protein balls are my favorite things to make and are just as convenient as grabbing a Luna protein bar from the cupboard!

More High Protein Snack Recipes

You can also check out my full list of no bake desserts and healthy snacks for more inspiration!

Almond Joy Protein Balls rolled in coconut flakes on a dark surface.
almond joy protein balls with coconut flakes

Easy Low Carb Almond Joy Protein Balls

Almond Joy Protein Balls are naturally sweetened and combine delicious flavors of coconut, almond, and chocolate in one bite-sized snack. Energy bites are perfect on the go or pop them in your mouth when the candy bar cravings hit!
5 from 6 votes
Servings 30 balls
Calories 73
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes



  • In a food processor, add almonds, protein powder, cacao powder, stevia extract, salt and process until fine powder forms.
  • In a small bowl, stir together coconut oil, honey, coconut milk, vanilla and add to a food processor. Process until smooth dough forms, stopping and scraping the walls of a food processor. It took me about 3-5 minutes and my food processor needed a few breaks. Then add 1/2 cup of coconut flakes and process until combined, 1-2 minutes.
  • Place some coconut flakes on a plate, scoop golf size amount of dough, roll with your hands into a ball and coat in the flakes. Alternatively, you could use a bag with small amount of coconut flakes in it and shake to coat the protein ball. Repeat until you run out of dough.


  • Store: Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks. I liked these protein balls fresh and warm the best! So, when I want one, I warm it up in a microwave for a few seconds.
  • Freeze: You could also freeze the balls for up to 3 months.
  • *I do not recommend using whey protein powder as it absorbs liquids differently than plant-based protein.
  • Use a powerful food processor for making this simple protein balls recipe. Not a blender, not even a Vitamix or Magic Bullet. There is not enough liquid to move the dough around in a blender.
  • Stop and scrape the walls of your food processor to make sure everything is incorporated and you don’t have weird chunks of unblended things in there!


Serving: 1ball | Calories: 73kcal | Carbohydrates: 5g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 5g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 7mg | Sodium: 23mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 3g
Course: Breakfast or Snack
Cuisine: American Ukrainian
Author: Olena Osipov
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About Olena

Welcome! I grew up in Ukraine watching my grandma cook with simple ingredients. I have spent the last 11 years making it my mission to help you cook quick and easy meals for your family!

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  1. 5 stars
    Delicious! I used 1 package chocolate Keto powder and left out the cocoa powder. The recipe called for 1/2 c coconut milk but I think 1/4 c would be enough. (It was very sticky and hard to make into balls). Tasted like an Almond Joy – – my fav!

  2. 5 stars
    Made these dozens of times. Easy and delicious.

    Sometimes I use peppermint extract instead, for a mint chocolate flavour.

  3. 5 stars
    I made these. Oh my, so good. I did use whey protein powder because it’s what I had but you are right. The recipe was more difficult to mix, and denser. I had to add more protein powder to get a consistency I could turn into dough. Delicious non the less. I plan to buy the recommended protein powder for my next batch. They didn’t last long. We were eating them for breakfast.

    1. These are one of my most favorite protein balls ever. Coconut milk changes everything and I love them warm from food processor. So glad you enjoyed them, Nancy!

5 from 6 votes

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