These High Protein Pancakes are made with 6 simple ingredients, pack an impressive 19 grams of protein per serving, and are moist and flavorful!

We also love these peanut butter protein pancakes, a protein bagel and sausage pancake muffins.

A stack of protein pancakes topped with berries and drizzled with honey.

High protein pancakes are great for healthy breakfast to help keep you stay full until lunch. Of course, it helps when that protein comes in the form of delicious pancakes.

Naturally gluten-free, with no added sugar these healthy protein pancakes require just a handful of inexpensive pantry staples, including banana and whey protein. It’s a perfect recipe for busy mornings!

Why These Are The Best Protein Pancakes

  • Easy to make: Just add everything to a blender and blend.
  • Packed with protein: 19 grams of protein per serving which is at least double or triple the amount of protein found in a regular pancake.
  • Lighter: These tasty pancakes are low carb with 3 grams of carbs and low calorie with just 42 calories per pancake.
  • Wholesome ingredients: Made with banana, eggs, and all-natural whey protein powder, there are no empty calories or added sugar.

Ingredients You Will Need

To make these easy protein pancakes, you will need only 6 simple ingredients. Many of which you probably have on hand right now.

Protein powder, eggs, bananas, vanilla, cinnamon, baking powder.
  • Eggs: Eggs will help to bind these fluffy pancakes and are a crucial ingredient you can’t omit. You can use whole eggs or egg whites only. Please do not use flax eggs.
  • Whey protein powder: I recommend using an unflavored protein powder or vanilla protein powder. I used unflavored 17 Whey protein powder. If you use flavored protein powder, it will just add extra sugar and calories, which is OK too.
  • Vanilla extract: Use pure vanilla extract for the best flavor.
  • Cinnamon: Just a pinch helps to delicately flavor the protein powder pancakes.
  • Baking powder: Will provide a fluffier, slightly lighter texture.
  • Bananas: Use ripe bananas with plenty of brown and black spots on the peel. Or overripe bananas work too.

How to Make Protein Pancakes

Here is how to make protein pancakes recipe with just two simple steps. Blend and cook. Couldn’t be easier!

Step by step process how to make protein pancakes in a blender and pan fry them.
  1. Mix the pancake batter: Combine the eggs, protein powder, baking powder, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and bananas and blend until smooth. The consistency will be slightly more runnier than regular pancakes. Unlike regular pancakes, these won’t become overworked when mixed in a blender.
  2. Cook the pancakes: Preheat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium-low heat with a bit of cooking spray or oil. Once hot, pour slightly less than 1/4 cup of batter onto the pan and allow it to cook until bubbles appear on the top of the pancake and the bottom is golden brown. Don’t make pancakes too large
  3. Flip pancakes: Then flip protein pancake over and cook for another 10 seconds, or until lightly brown. Repeat this step with the remaining batter and reduce the heat if needed.
  4. Serve: These fluffy protein pancakes are their fluffiest and taste best when served fresh.
Stacked pancakes on a plate with fresh raspberries.

Tips for Best Results

Over the years, I have made this protein pancake recipe numerous times. Here are the tips and tricks from my kitchen to yours:

  • Don’t make the pancakes too big: They do not contain flour, so are more fragile than traditional pancakes. Make small pancakes and use good spatula to flip them.
  • Adjust the temperature: Monitor protein pancakes while they cook and adjust the heat under the skillet. They truly cook fast and the pan gets hotter during cooking.
  • Which blender works best: You can mix the batter in a regular high-speed blender or in a cup with an immersion blender. I am not sure how well food processor might work.

Serving Suggestions and Toppings

I like to enjoy homemade protein pancakes right after cooking them and holding in my hands. Like a snack, basically, and without toppings. They literally melt in the mouth then and taste the most delicious and are fluffy.

However, what are pancakes without toppings? Here are just a few suggestions and our favorites if you would like to serve them for high-protein breakfast:

  • Greek yogurt
  • Maple syrup or sugar-free syrup
  • Peanut butter or any other nut butter
  • Fresh fruit – sliced strawberries, bananas and berries
  • Chocolate chips
  • Butter


  • Flavored protein powder: Perhaps one of the easiest ways to make flavored protein powder pancakes. Use chocolate, peanut butter, mixed berry or coffee protein powder. I prefer to use protein powders that are flavored with natural ingredients and unrefined sugars.
  • For egg white pancakes: Replace the 4 whole eggs for 1/2 cup of egg whites.
  • Chocolate chips: Use regular or sugar-free chocolate chips.
  • Orange zest: Provides a subtle but delicious flavor. Lemon zest would also work.

How to Store, Freeze and Reheat

Store: Transfer the cooked and cooled pancakes to an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Freeze: Freeze protein pancakes with layers of parchment paper between to avoid sticking in a resealable freezer bag or airtight container. They will last for up to 3 months.

Reheat: To reheat the pancakes, I recommend to use a microwave or toaster, whether they are from the fridge or freezer. Just a minute or two is needed and time depends on your appliance. Just keep an eye on them.


Can I use a plant-based protein powder?

No. Vegan protein powder is far more absorbent than whey protein and will not work in this recipe.

Are these as good as classic pancakes?

No. These delicious protein pancakes are thinner and smaller, more like a thicker crepe. But they are very tasty and great for a high protein breakfast or snack. They serve their purpose.

How can I make them taste better?

Making these pancakes with bananas means they’re already naturally sweetened. However, you could use flavored sweetened whey protein. I like to make protein pancakes with protein powder that is unflavored and add a lot of vanilla extract. You can also add other extracts like orange, almond or lemon extract.

How to make protein pancakes less dry?

Do not overcook them and enjoy immediately. Also store covered so they don’t dry out.

More Pancake Recipes to Try

More Recipes with Protein Powder

A stack of pancakes cut in and showing texture.
protein pancakes being drizzled with honey

Best Protein Pancakes Recipe

This High Protein Pancakes Recipe is made with 6 simple ingredients and packs 19 grams of protein per serving. Protein powder pancakes come out moist and flavorful!
4.98 from 40 votes
Servings 5 servings
Calories 199
Diet Gluten Free
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes



  • In a blender, add eggs, protein powder, baking powder, vanilla extract, cinnamon and bananas. Process until smooth. Batter will be on a runny side.
  • Preheat skillet on low-medium heat and spray with cooking spray or add oil. Pour a bit less than 1/4 cup batter, cook until bubbles just start to appear on top, flip and cook for another 10 seconds.
  • Serve with yogurt, berries, maple syrup and any of your favorite toppings.


  • Store: In an airtight container for up to 5 days in the fridge.
  • Freeze: Freeze pancakes with layers of parchment paper between to avoid sticking in Ziplock bag or freezer-safe container. They will last for up to 3 months.
  • Egg whites: You can replace 4 eggs with 1/2 cup egg whites.
  • Protein powder: This recipe was developed using whey protein powder. I do not recommend using plant-based protein powder as recipe won’t work. I use unflavored 17 Whey, but you can also use vanilla.
  • Don’t make the pancakes too big: They do not contain flour, so are more fragile than traditional pancakes. Use good spatula to flip them.


Serving: 4pancakes | Calories: 199kcal | Carbohydrates: 14g | Protein: 25g | Fat: 5g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Trans Fat: 0.02g | Cholesterol: 176mg | Sodium: 252mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 7g
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Author: Olena Osipov
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About Olena

Welcome! I grew up in Ukraine watching my grandma cook with simple ingredients. I have spent the last 11 years making it my mission to help you cook quick and easy meals for your family!

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  1. 5 stars
    These came out so light and delicious!!

    Side note- the first time I made them using a regular big blender and the batter was perfect. The second time making them, I made the mistake of using my smaller Beast Blender and the egg whites got blended way too much causing the batter to triple in volume. Hahaha. That was a mistake!!

    1. There is full recipe card at the bottom of the post. If you have hard time finding it just click on jump to recipe button at the very top of the page.

4.98 from 40 votes (7 ratings without comment)

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